Monday, 2 January 2023

Habitica and Plans for 2023

After a ~5 year break, I’m back to using Habitica for day-to-day task management. While the vast majority of my project/task management happens in Obsidian (love that app), I found I needed some distance between “everything that I ever need to do, whether today or five years from now” and “stuff I need to get done within the next week or so".

Both my needs and attitude towards task management have changed a lot over the last few years, so I was hesitant to go back to it, but for right now it meets 95% of my needs. It helps that the elder child is old enough to start learning to manage their own stuff, instead of me. The gamification (especially the pets) is catnip to them. Our little two-person party is doing pretty well for a perpetually-stressed adult with too many responsibilities, and an ADHD homeschooled tween with no sense of time.

And, because I just can’t fkn help myself, I joined a Guild. Just one. I learned my lesson from last time. Overwhelm is the shortest path to a quick death for any system. Of course, I have no sense of restraint, so I joined the New Years Resolutions guild. As the name implies, it features monthly challenges to help you plan, set, and work on yearly goals. I traditionally have a few of those, so *shrug* decided to tag along for the ride. Which leads me to...


One of the tasks for this month’s Challenge is to post your goals on social media. Historically, I like to keep things close to the chest, since what I decide to do with my life is between me and me. But, in the spirit of experimentation, I decided to give it a go this year. (There’s a version of the Challenge that doesn’t have the “post to social media” task, so you can opt out of it if you really don’t want to share.)

Thus, my goals for this year:

  • 1. Writing
    • 1.1 Finish my current novel/write at least 50,000 words of fiction
    • 1.2 Work on improving my writing skills via further education
    • 1.2 Revise my previous NaNoWriMo novel
    • 1.3 Publish at least one blog post a month
  • 3. Weaving and WIPs
    • 3.1 Spend ~2.5 hours per week working on my weaving skills
    • 3.1 Work through “The Key to Weaving” (a weaving textbook with about 9,296 exercises)
    • 3.2 Finish at least 12 WIPs (1 per month) from Area 52
    • 3.3 Make some clothes for me, not just for the kids (at least 2 items)

You’ll note that the numbering there skips straight from #1 to #3. That’s deliberate. Some things are a little too personal for me to throw into the trashfire hellscape of the wider internet.

Yesterday I wrote a touch over 500 words, and spent not quite 1.5 hours weaving. And now I’m throwing a blog post out there. Granted, it’s only the second day of the month, but I’m feeling cautiously optimistic about where I might be in December this year.

Note: Much of the above was originally posted on my Tumblr. I decided that it would be easier to find my own work in between the firehouse of reblogs-with-my-thoughts-attached if I also started a wee blog to hold it.

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