Tuesday 4 April 2023

March Progress

Well, that was a month.

It started out fine. Things were happening, projects were worked on, life was hectic but (mostly) manageable.

And then the Fire Nation attacked I found moths in my workroom. (I probably would have sworn less about the Fire Nation attacking.) With the amount of fibre, fleece and fabric in there, not to mention my entire wardrobe of both everyday and re-enactment clothing, it was all hands on deck to banish them. I’m still not done. So if this month or the next is a little light on progress, that’s why.

  • Words written: 3,065
  • Weaving time (goal 650 min): 734.5 minutes
    • Note: 150 minutes per week becomes 650 minutes per month, when spread over a year
  • WIPs finished: 2